Informational Postings
Planned Service Outage
TSP NameTSP DUNSPost DatePost Time
KERN RIVER GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY 621617372 03/25/2025 00:23:49

Notice TypePosted
Notice Effective
Notice End

There are no Planned Service Outages in effect.
Notice Status Key:
1 = Initiate
2 = Supersede
3 = Terminate


Planned Service Outage - Maintenance Schedule

TSP NameTSP DUNSPost DatePost Time
KERN RIVER GAS TRANSMISSION COMPANY 621617372 03/25/2025 00:23:50

StatusStart DateEnd DateLocation NameCapacity
Work to be
Capacity Dth
Reduction Dth
to Firm
Additional Information
 Tue 03/25/2025Tue 03/25/2025Veyo Compressor StationVeyoAnnual Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Test 2,310,000 125,000NoVeyo compressor station will be out of service for 12 hours while the ESD test is performed. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated prior to the outage.
 Tue 03/25/2025Wed 03/26/2025Painter Compressor StationPainter PlantAnnual Unit Maintenance 185,000 89,400NoOne of the two units will be available during the maintenance. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated for each scheduling cycle during the outage.
 Wed 03/26/2025Fri 03/28/2025Veyo Compressor StationVeyoAnnual Unit Maintenance 2,353,000 82,000NoTwo of the three units will be available during the maintenance. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated for each scheduling cycle during the outage.
 Mon 04/07/2025Fri 04/11/2025Milford Compressor StationMilfordUnit Engine Exchange 2,280,000 157,000NoMilford station will be out of service for the duration of the engine exchange. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated for each scheduling cycle during the outage.
 Tue 04/15/2025Tue 04/15/2025Muddy Creek "A" Compressor StationMuddy CreekAnnual Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Test 1,766,000 386,000NoMuddy Creek "A" plant will be out of service for 12 hours while the ESD test is performed. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated prior to the outage.
 Thu 04/17/2025Fri 04/25/2025Veyo Compressor StationVeyoVeyo Unit #2 Controls Upgrade 2,325,000 97,000NoUnits #1 and #3 will be available for the duration of the unit #2 controls upgrade. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated daily during the outage.
 Tue 04/29/2025Tue 04/29/2025Elberta Compressor StationElbertaAnnual Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Test 2,356,167 85,833NoElberta compressor station will be out of service for 10 hours while the ESD test is performed. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated prior to the outage.
 Tue 04/29/2025Thu 05/01/2025Muddy Creek "A" Compressor StationMuddy CreekAnnual Unit Maintenance 1,998,000 154,000NoTwo of the three units will be available during the maintenance. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated for each scheduling cycle during the outage.
 Wed 04/30/2025Thu 05/01/2025Elberta Compressor StationElbertaAnnual Unit Maintenance 2,315,000 127,000NoOne of the two units will be available during the maintenance. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on the flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated for each scheduling cycle during the outage.
ChangedTue 05/06/2025Wed 05/07/2025Muddy Creek "B" Compressor StationMuddy CreekAnnual Unit Maintenance 1,955,000 155,000NoTwo of the three units will be available during the maintenance. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated for each scheduling cycle during the outage.
ChangedThu 05/08/2025Thu 05/08/2025Muddy Creek "B" Compressor StationMuddy CreekUnit #6 Annual Maintenance 1,896,000 214,000NoUnits #4 and #5 will be available during the maintenance of unit #6. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated for each scheduling cycle during the outage.
ChangedWed 05/14/2025Wed 05/14/2025Muddy Creek "B" Compressor StationMuddy CreekAnnual Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Test 1,638,000 472,000NoMuddy Creek "B" plant will be out of service for 12 hours while the ESD test is performed. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated prior to the outage.
ChangedTue 05/20/2025Wed 05/21/2025Coyote Creek Compressor StationCoyote CreekAnnual Unit Maintenance 2,130,000 70,000NoOne of the two units will be available during the maintenance. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated for each scheduling cycle during the outage.
ChangedThu 05/22/2025Thu 05/22/2025Coyote Creek Compressor StationCoyote CreekAnnual Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Test 2,150,000 50,000NoCoyote Creek compressor station will be out of service for 10 hours while the ESD test is performed. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated prior to the outage.
ChangedTue 05/27/2025Tue 05/27/2025Painter Compressor StationPainter PlantAnnual Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Test 160,000 114,400NoThe Painter compressor station will out of service for 10 hours while the ESD test is performed. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated prior to the outage.
 Thu 10/02/2025Fri 10/10/2025Muddy Creek "B" Compressor StationMuddy CreekMuddy Creek Unit #4 Controls UpgradeTBDTBDNoUnits #5 and #6 will be available for the duration of the unit #4 controls upgrade. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated daily during the outage.
 Mon 11/03/2025Fri 11/07/2025Elberta Compressor StationElbertaCompressor Seal Gas ProjectTBDTBDNoElberta compressor station will be out of service for the duration of the work. Impact to capacity is subject to change based on flow patterns at the time of the work. Capacity will be updated for each scheduling cycle during the outage.
Customer nominations will be scheduled pursuant to Section 13 of the General Terms and Conditions of Kern River's FERC Gas Tariff.