Informational Postings

All Kern River filings and orders are available on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) eLibrary Web site.

Below are instructions to access eLibrary documents (both active and/or closed), and to subscribe to specific FERC Dockets. Kern River’s active FERC Dockets are also listed below. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your Kern River Marketing Representative.

Access Documents Issued and Received by FERC

The electronic library (eLibrary) database contains documents submitted to and issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) since 1981. These documents are available at your desktop by using the Internet. Members of the general public are automatically logged on to eLibrary as Guest users and may view public documents. Instructions to search for documents are available on the FERC site, simply paste the following link into your browser and review the Quick Tip document under the “eLibrary Help” options. Once you are familiar with the search criteria, select your search option, fill in the search criteria and submit for search results.

Registering and Subscribing to FERC Dockets

When you register for eSubscription and subscribe to a specific docket, you will be notified via email about all submittals and issuances. You will also be able to retrieve public documents through the links in the emails. Instructions are available on the FERC site, simply paste the following link into your browser and follow the steps.


03/17/2025 Docket No. RP25-370-001, NAESB 4.0 Supplemental Filing On March 17, 2025, Kern River submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) a filing amending its filing in Docket No. RP25-370 to include Sheet No. 254 to remove the Waiver of Standard 0.4.1. Because Kern River does not provide storage services, the proposed change is in accordance with the general principles for reviewing requests for waivers set forth in Commission Order No. 587-V as cited in Order No. 587-AA.

03/06/2025 Docket No. RP25-694, 2025 Forms of Service Modifications On March 6, 2025, Kern River submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) tariff sheets to modify the Forms of Service within Kern River’s Tariff, Third Revised Volume No. 1 to be effective April 7, 2025.

02/26/2025 Docket No. RP25-590, Daggett Surcharge Filing On February 26, 2025, Kern River submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) its annual compliance filing to revise the electric compressor fuel charges applicable to gas scheduled downstream of Kern River’s Daggett compressor station for the period from April 1, 2025, through March 31, 2026, to be effective April 1, 2025.

01/27/2025 Docket No. 25-370, NAESB 4.0 Filing On January 27, 2021, Kern River submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) a filing is to (1) comply with Commission Order No. 587-AA (“Order”) by submitting revised tariff records to incorporate into Kern River’s Tariff the business practice standards adopted by the Wholesale Gas Quadrant (“WGQ”) of the North American Energy Standards Board (“NAESB”) Version 4.0, and the standard revised by Minor Correction MC24002; and (2) petition the Commission for continuation of the extension of time previously granted to comply with those Electronic Data Interchange (“EDI”) processing requirements related to Version 4.0 of those NAESB data sets that are not currently being utilized and that have not been requested by Kern River’s customers or other parties; and (3) for a waiver of a data set that is not applicable. The effective date is August 1, 2025.